Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

Site Disclaimer

We, Nerdiots contributors and site owner, do NOT own or claim to own any of the content that may not belong to us.

Content that is created using our own skill sets(Videos, Images, and Opinion posts) do belong to the contributor of the content.

If anyone considers any of our content to be offensive or inappopriate, please contact the site owner at [email protected], I will will remove content if I see that it may require such action, otherwise I may ask contributors to edit content. Please state what it is that may offend in the message.

This site contains opinions, supported facts with sources, and user created content.

You may distribute our content, links, images, videos, and any other content freely but only with the permission of the original contributor of the article.

All logos, images, videos, etc that do not belong to the contributors and site owner are property of whoever created them. If we use any images or content, contributors are required to connect with the site owners to verify that it is ok to use their content. If approved, we will post their content, but always with a link back to the original site.

Privacy Policy

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We will send out a monthly newsletter, in an image format with links at the bottom of the message. This will be sent out on the 15th of every month.

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