Games with Gold October 2014 Contest

The games with gold for October 2014 have been announced and can be found by clicking here!!!
So for this month our Games with Gold October 2014 contest, it’s going to be a little different! But we want to know more about YOU!
To enter this month’s contest, I will be posting a video to YouTube telling you guys 3 things about myself. And we’re asking for you guys to do the same, then submit the link to us on here.
So here’s the rules.
1) You can submit one video or audio entry if you don’t want to record yourself, it must be a YouTube link. When you submit we will subscribe to your YouTube channel as well!
2) The questions are:
a) What is your favorite movie?
b) What is your all time favorite video game?
c) Did you want to be a super hero when you grew up(or in my case “grow up”) and who did you want to be?
3) If you don’t have a YouTube channel or don’t feel comfortable submitting your videos, you can comment on this post, send us a message with your response to facebook or to our Twitter account. Tonight we will be posting my video up on the site with the rules again.
If you guys have any questions let me know! We’re here to grow and have fun.
Also because this is pretty intense, we’re going to up the prize. It’s going to be a surprise! (Est value is going to be around $50 USD and will be something everyone will enjoy!)
Also, We’re still looking forward to your best guesses for the Octobers games, so please leave them in the comments or like us on Facebook and leave your guesses there!
So for the October games with gold contest I can just do it here instead of making a video?
Well okay.
1: Austin Powers: Goldmember
2: World of Warcraft
3: No but if I had to choose I would be Batman.
My fave movie was the new evil dead
Fav game is borderlands
And when I was younger I wanted to be riddick
Wow, you have really poor taste in movies.
2) The questions are:
a) My favorite movie is Superhero Movie.
b) My all time favorite video game is
c) And I wanted to be the superhero Spider-man when I grew up (my cousin even came dressed as “Spider-girl” to my house years later!)
b) was True Crime: Streets of LA!
1.Favorite movie would be Guardians of the Galaxy.
2.Favorite video game is GTA 5.
3.Yes, I wanted to be a superhero like Green Arrow.
1. Avengers
2..Call of Duty Black Ops 2/ Skyrim
3. Black Hawk
1)favorite movie: king arthur
2)favorite game: fallout 3
3)when i grew up did i want to be a super hero: no but if i had to choose i would probably want to be flash.
Favorite Movie: Scarface AL Pachino
favorite game: grand theft auto 5, call of Duty ghosts
The Flash
1). Pacific rim.
2). Final Fantay X
3). Flash
1) Kingdom of Haven
2)Kingdom Under Fire : The Crusaders
3)Shazam !!!
1). Fight club
2). Borderlands 2 or tomb raider
3). Superman… duhh
1. Don’t have a favorite movie. (I like too many of em)
2. Got to be a tie between Lightning Force: Quest for the Darkstar for the Genesis, and the entire Halo series on Xbox/Xbox360.
3. I guess wanting to be a Police Officer when I grew up kinda counts as wanting to be a hero.
1. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead
2.Borderlands 2
3. Batman
1.the hobbit ops 2
3.hawk eye
avengers assemble
Tony Stark-iron man
1) Saving Private Ryan (ironic right?)
2) Silent Hill 2
3) Deadpool (because he’s badass)
Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore
Favorite game: Grand Theft Auto 5
I wanted to be Superman when i was growing up
It is difficult for me to pick a favorite anything but I will give it a try.
I would say my favorite movie would probably be The Mask. Not counting the HORRIBLE sequels, the mask was just hilarious. I have always been a fan of Jim Carrey and would have loved to see him do a sequel but just the original was enough for me (for now).
My favorite video game would be a tough choice. More current games would probably be either Skyrim or Diablo 3. Those games have taken up a good chunk of my time in recent years. I love RPGs with tons of quests and little things to do, and the search for legendary equipment in Diablo can be really fun sometimes.
As for what super hero I wanted to be, I always liked Nightcrawler from the X-Men. Teleporting was always a power I liked having, and I liked the idea of having a tail like that. I did enjoy Spiderman too. Being able to shoot webs, climb on walls, be super strong, it was pretty cool when I was a kid.
1) The Wolf of Wallstreet
2} Fallout New Vegas
3} Beast Boy
My Favorite Movie’s are: Star Trek or Batman Begins to close to call
My Favorite game’s are: Super Mario 64 or Mass Effect trilogy also to close to call.
The super hero I wanted to be was: Goku
The Boondock Saints
1. Evil Dead: Army of Darkness
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. The Invisible Man
Costume Quest would be a great October Games for Gold if it has not already. Also, Resonance of Fate or Two Worlds.
1)Favorite movie kid cannabis
2)Favorite game call of duty Bo2 3)Yes just like green lantern
1) Rush Hour
2) Any Fifa
3) James Bond
Grand Theft Auto 5:
Captain America:
1)The Green Hornet/ironman 1
2) Forza/Crysis 3
3) Ironman (billionare, playboy, genius=BOSS)
What is my favorite movie? The protector
What is my all time favorite video vame? Skyrim and castle crashers+ mine craft
The superhero I wanted to be was the incredible hulk but minus the uglyness I liked his rage an jumps
1. my favourite movie is Gardians of the Galaxy
2. Halo series including Reach
3. Batman because he is the best
1) El Dorado staring John Wayne
2) Red dead redemption
2) I can’t decide between batman or colossus from X men
1) favourite movie is a toughy as I love all films but if I had to choose it would probably be the lord of the rings series ( including what ive seen of the hobbit) as I would love to live in middle earth.
2) theres not really a single game I like most so ill reel a few off by console :- sega master sytem, dragon crystal :-sega megadrive, streets of rage :-nintendo, mario world 3 (obviously) :-PS1, final fantasy 7 :-PS2, NFS underground 2 :- xbox 360, skyrim and black ops ZOMBIES ( because youve got to have atleast 1 cod in the list) but MW3 for multiplayer.
3) from the first second I layed eyes on Dragonball Z I always wanted to be a super sayan, even now at 24 If I could have only 1 wish it would be to become a sayan, even superman couldnt stand up to the might of the sayans!
As for the game release I would probably like to see somthing from the arkham collection go on there because they were awesome games.
1. Times Square (1980)
2. Resident Evil
3. Spider-Man
1) Spider-Man 3
2) All Pokemon games
3) Spider-Man
1farcry 3 2terraria want fc3 more
1) star wars!!!
2)The entire Sly Cooper line up
3) spiderman
1) Empire Strikes Back
2) Fallout 3
3) Wolverine
1.) pointbreak
2.) Star Wars Battlefront 2
3.) yes, spiderman
Favorite movie: full metal jacket
Favorite game: zelda link to the past
Hero: my hero was my grandfather who is a US Marine. That’s what I wanted to be when I grew up. In January of 2001 I made that dream a reality
1.drop dead fred
2.wolfienstien the new order
1]Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 2]Metal Gear Solid 3]Definitely Cable(X Men)
Favorite Movie: -Gladiator- “What we do in life, echoes an eternity.”
Favorite Game: -Gears of War-
Character: -Cyclops-
1-darksaiders 2
2-battlefild bad co.2
1. Die Hard (1st one)
2. Super Mario world (SNES)
3. The Thing